Friday, February 18, 2011

16 weeks!

I had my 16 week check up today and they had to draw blood for the second part of that sequencial screening, so now I have a huge bruise on my arm from them taking blood. The baby's heartrate was 152 and he gave me the sonogram slip so I can call and make that appointment, I can't wait, he did say that I will have to at least wait until at least 18 weeks, so hopefully in 2 more weeks we will know if we are gonna be having a boy or a girl! I still am trying to grasp the fact that I am going to have 4 kids! I always used to say that I wanted 4 but after I had the third I said that I was done for sure, but I guess it was just meant to be!


  1. I can't believe you're about to have 4 kids either! This one should be super easy for you!! I'm anxious to find out what you're having.

  2. I hope this one is easy, James (the baby) has been the most difficult one compaired to the two girls, they were so easy! He always wants to be touching me or be right around me constantly! The two girls seemed to be a little more independent.

  3. Momma's boy, that's all it is :) Bryce is the SAME way!!!

  4. Haha, boys just LOVE their Momma's!! Can't wait to find out if this one is a boy or a girl!! Hurry up and make that appt so we can atleast have a date to anticipate!
